Sunday, October 19, 2008


are the gnarliest things.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

my favorite time of year.

I've been skimping with my inner ho the last couple of years so I decided that this Halloween I'm going to go all out and be the biggest tramp in space: Barbarella.

Friday, October 10, 2008

australia vs. america


Why is everything there so much nicer?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chicago Fashion Focus is finally over.
It was pretty nice to see some of the hard work I did for Agga on stage and pretend that I am actually in the industry... Next year I am hoping that my own designs will be onstage, but for now I am content with sipping (far too many) cocktails at the VIP. This Agga B. look was shown at the World of Fashion show. I spent about four hours of my life weaving together that scarf, check it out!

picture borrowed from alex ha photography

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

next week... in technicolor.

the other day i got a nice short break all to myself, and decided to make oatmeal and watch bande a parte... it is the best of the best, to watch at sunset, with coffee. maybe though, wine would have been a bit better. just enough to be able to still read the subtitles.

also, fashion week. makes me so happy.
everyone is raving over balmain, but i loved rick owens most.